The book of Acts is so much more than we've been able to cover. I don't know about you, but I'm challenged to make time to read and study Acts on my own in future days or months. If we're going to carry the baton well, we simply must study how the first believers (the ones who walked and talked with Jesus or heard from the ones that did)carried it.
Today, spend a little time finishing the next to last chapter of Woven. Angie gave a good synopsis of Paul's letters to the churches. It's such good information, so I don't want to add to it. The only thing I will say is that these are letters that are worth a read. Paul, one who knew everything there was to know about the Old Testament history, felt that these were the words that needed to be shared with the first churches. I'm sure that means they're important instructions for us too.
Then, I want you to watch a message that has meant so much to me since January of 2014. It is a message that Beth Moore shared at the Passion Conference that year. I've share a lot of messages, and I've encouraged you to watch each time. This time, though, I'm begging you to watch every single second with focused intention.
Originally, I'd planned to share this at the end of our study. I felt sure it was the perfect way to end our study together. As I was wrapping up my writing, I felt the urge to pull Beth's message to watch one more time for myself. I felt VERY convicted that we needed to listen between our last two weeks. So, I'm obeying.
I encourage you to find time this weekend to sit with this message. You'll hear good things if you listen as you go. But, I believe it's a message worth focus and note taking.
God, I pray for my sisters. I know that You led me to this message for this time. So, I pray that each of us will watch, listen, and hear exactly what You have for us. Show us where we need to repent. Instruct the confessions of our heart. Lead us to Your mission for each of us for this particular moment in time.