Today, I want to write and write. I have so much to say about our topic, but I believe God wants to do personal work with each of us through Genesis 22. As a mother, this is a chapter of Scripture that I can never quite understand. Trying to feel the emotions that would have been felt in real life is almost too much to bear. It's also a chapter of Scripture that I'm incredibly grateful for. The picture of it all is a perfect demonstration and foreshadowing of the cross.
So, today, I'd love for you to reread Angie's words on pages 61 through 64. The section is called "Amazing Grace."
Then, read all of Genesis 22.
Journal: Beside Genesis 22:5, I have written that this is the first mention of the Hebrew word used for "worship." The literal translation would have been bow down.
Y'all, we aren't truly worshiping God if our hearts aren't bowed down to His will and His way. Worship involves surrender. I believe true worship is a natural outpouring from a heart that knows God's way is the best way even when it's the toughest way. The entirety of Genesis 22 is an expression of worship.
I have no questions for you to consider or plans for you to use this morning. Simply read, ponder, and pray. Abraham's time of worship led him to name the place, The Lord Will Provide (Jireh). As you worship the Lord through study this morning, I invite you to listen to this song. Allow God to direct your prayer and writing today.
God, Providing for Your own is what you do. You are ENOUGH! Today, I just ask that You'd teach us through Angie, Your Word, and music. I'm overwhelmed by the Truth exposed in our reading today, and I'm praying that each of us would leave with more knowledge, more understand, and more of YOU. You are forever enough, always enough, and more than enough. Thank you!