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Thankful In All Circumstances

Friday, November 19th Thankful… in All Circumstances Emmy Vaughn “You hem me in, behind and before, you lay your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:5 This has been one of my favorite bible verses for a long time. To me it signifies that God has been with us in the past (behind), he will be with us in the future (before), and he is with us now (you lay your hand upon me). This knowledge that God is always with me, no matter what is going on in my life, has given me great comfort my whole life. 2021 has been a hard year full of change for me, and yet I am thankful for God’s consistent presence through each new thing that has come my way. I started out this year as a Covid nurse, which, as I have shared before in a previous post, shaped and grew me in ways that I will always be thankful for. After almost a year spent on this unit, God provided me a new avenue of nursing to explore, labor and delivery. What a joy and blessing it was to experience new life entering into this world and celebrate the newfound love these families experienced. But even in this life-giving place there was still pain present. Sadly, there was death and sadness in this place that was extremely hard to bear. But I got to see how God used me to bring comfort and support to couples going through the hardest time of their life; I saw how he showed up for them just as he has always been showing up for me. These two years spent in the hospital from the craziness of Covid, to the intensity of labor and delivery have taken a toll on my spirit. And now that leads me to where I currently am, in a God- given period of rest. At the end of this summer, I made the decision to take a step back from the hospital and truly lean into the Lord for His healing and peace. In faith, I obeyed God when he was calling me into the hospital, and now in faith I am obeying him as he has called me to step away for a time. God is now providing me with a time of recovery after I spent the past couple of years providing his healing and peace to others. This time of rest has been much needed and I am so thankful for it, but the unknown factor of what’s next for me can be a little intimidating. However, that leads me back to our header verse and reminds me of what is true: God was with me in the hospital, he is with me now during his time of rest, and he will be with me in whatever lies ahead. I’m thankful for his consistent and faithful presence in all times of my life, past, present, and future. Dear Jesus, Thank you for the growth that we experience when we go through hard times. I pray that we would lean into that growth by seeking after your healing presence. Thank you that you are truly Emmanuel, God with us, now and forevermore. God remind us that you are in control of our past, present, and future and that you have great plans for us even if we don’t know what they are yet. Gold help us to trust your process and relinquish control to you even when letting go feels impossible. Help us to be bold in our faith and listen to the call of your voice on our lives. You are strong where we are weak and I am so thankful for that. We love you our Father now and forever. Amen Reschedule Post Post Now



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