Moses--Day 29
Thursday, October 7
Moses: Called, Challenged, Changed
Day 29—Living on the Edge
Then the Israelites traveled to the plains of Moab and camped along the Jordan across from Jericho. Numbers 22:1
Suggested reading: Numbers 21-22
My Life-Application Study Bible gives a great summary of the Israelites at this point in their journey: Now the old generation has died and a new generation stand poised at the border, ready to enter the promised land. Neighboring nations, however, cause Israel to begin worshipping other gods. Without Moses’ quick action, the nation may never have entered Canaan.
As much as you are tired of reading about the grumbling and rebellious Israelites, I’m just as weary of writing about them. Once again, as they were approaching the promise land, God had to bring judgement on them due to their lack of trust. Deadly snakes were sent throughout the camp. YIKES! I have a strong aversion to belly-crawling-creatures! In order to remedy the poison that entered their bodies, God told Moses, “Make a snake and put it on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look on it and live” (21:8).
On the edge of the promise land, these people had not changed. God fought for them in battles against neighboring cities, but the Israelite men were quickly lured away by these foreign women and their gods. While Israel was staying in Shittim…Israel joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor (25:3).
Both Moses and Aaron persisted and gave instructions from God to the people about their hopeful future. They told them of his blessings to come and implored them to choose to follow him. These two brothers’ time of leadership (and life) was coming to an end. They had to wonder, was anybody listening?
The Israelites were living on the edge of God’s blessing. Would they choose to move forward into the promise land?
I think you will agree with me that the story of Moses starkly contrasts the faithlessness of the people with the faithfulness of God. Time and again, in spite of the Israelites waywardness, God keeps pursuing, he keeps protecting, and he keeps providing. Why? Because of His great love.
Throughout all the desert decades, the cloud led them by day, and the fire by night. And like consistent waves of the sea, the manna came in the morning, and quail came in the evening.
Did you know that during the forty years of their wandering, their clothes did not wear out nor did the sandals on their feet? (Duet. 29:5)
And all the while, the people kept grumbling, and complaining, and sinning. The bottom-line is this: they could never and would never change without a Savior. Neither will we.
So God in his mercy, provided the Messiah for them and for us.
Jesus himself explains it, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:14-16
Jesus is the only way out of the sin cycle that our flesh creates. What keeps you tangled up and unable to move? Be convinced that Jesus is stronger than the pull of your flesh and call on him to break all chains. The eternal life our Savior gives to us begins the moment we believe in him. His Spirit enters in our willing hearts and we learn to walk forward with him rather than staying in bondage to our flesh. God has so much grace for us as we bring our repentant hearts to him each day.
Let’s stop living on the edge. It’s time to look to him. He will break us free, move us forward, so we can fully LIVE.
Going deeper and sweeter: Ephesians 2:4-5; Romans 8:1-4; Titus 3:3-7
Dear Lord,
Great is your faithfulness! We thank you for providing a Savior. Because of Christ, we not only have eternal life when we die, but we have NEW life today. Fill us with your Spirit so we can walk in your ways. Amen.