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ACTS of the Apostles, part 2

Wednesday, August 31

ACTS of the Apostles, Part 2

Learning How to be Daring and Dynamic

Read Acts 15:22-41

Focus Verse: Acts 15:22

Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole church, to choose men from among them and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, leading men among the brothers with the following letter…

As we read in yesterday's post, there was much discussion and debate about what was required of the new and growing number of Gentile believers. Many of the Jewish Christians were wanting these Gentiles to follow some of their ceremonial laws, one being circumcision. But, as Dayna mentioned to us yesterday, Jesus' life, death, and resurrection fulfilled ALL the requirements of the law. NOTHING else was needed for them then, and NOTHING else is needed for us today.

A letter of encouragement and instruction was written by the leaders who attended the Jerusalem Council, and then this letter was hand-delivered to the Gentiles in Antioch. Faithful followers of Christ brought them this good news, and the new Gentile Christians who received it rejoiced in its grace-filled words.

I think today would be a good day to repeat what we already know for the purpose of driving our "stake of truth" into the ground even deeper. Take a moment to read these simple yet LIFE altering truths below--this is OUR letter to receive with joy! As you read them, maybe even say them out loud so you can hear yourself recite what you believe. And then, repeat this good news to yourself all day long:

Jesus paid it all.

I am saved by grace alone.

His Spirit lives in me.

I will live with Him forever!

Finally, like the Christians who traveled to Antioch with the letter that was received with much joy, we too can be that kind of encourager.

Who in your world needs to be reminded of God's grace today? Maybe text the above statements to a friend so she can experience a renewed hope in her "stake in the ground" truths.

I encourage you to be daring and dynamic...and deliver.

Dear Father,

Why do we tend to add "bells and whistles" to our faith? Forgive us! Remind us of the simple truth that you sent your Son to "fulfill the law." Sin and death have been conquered through Jesus Christ! Thank you for this gift that we receive by faith. And thank you for your Spirit that resides in us to help us become more and more like you. Renew us today so that we can share your good news. Amen.


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