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ACTS of the Apostles, Part 2

ACTS of the Apostles, Part 2

Learning How to be Daring and Dynamic

Monday, August 29 – Friday, October 14

Monday, August 29 ACTS of the Apostles, Part 2 Learning How to be Daring and Dynamic Good morning ladies, and welcome back. We’ve completed a wonderful summer with Amy Rogers studying a book, scripture, and learning a little about Lectio Divina. It’s now time to get back in the saddle ,so to speak, and continue our study of ACTS of the Apostles, Part 2. Let’s take today to reflect a bit on some topics we covered in Acts last spring: Where we left off: the gospel was spreading through the daring and dynamic apostles! In review, here are a few highlights: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost The formation of the early church The boldness of the apostles in speaking the truth about Jesus Miracles through the apostles, by the power of Christ Great growth and spread of the church Also great persecution of the church, including the martyrdom of Stephen Conversion of Saul Peter being sent to Cornelius (a Gentile) to receive the same Holy Spirit First missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas Maybe take some time today to turn to the pages of Acts chapters 1-14 in your Bible. Ask the Lord to speak to your heart as you slow down and seek him in his word. Feel free to share in the comments for the purpose of “community” review. And then, let’s be ready to start ACTS, Part 2 tomorrow.

Heavenly and Gracious Father, Thank you for the summer “intermission “ of a great book accompanied by scripture so carefully laid out for us to study. As we turn the page, help us to focus today on what we learned in ACTS, Part 1. Help each one of us to take time today to sit with you and reflect on where we have been in your word. As you prepare our hearts and minds to move forward in the book of Acts, open our eyes to what you want each one of us to glean. Finally Lord, please make us teachable on the days we aren't and give us the desire to sit with and soak up more of you daily. In your name, Amen.


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