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ACTS of the Apostles

Wednesday, May 18

ACTS of the Apostles

Learning How to be Daring and Dynamic

Read Acts 9:32-43

Focus Verse: Acts 9:36

Now there was in Joppa a disciple name Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity.

In our reading today, we witnessed Peter, by the power of the Holy Spirit, healing both Aeneas who was paralyzed, and Dorcas who had actually died. Dorcas' friends loved her. They were THRILLED she had come back to life! What a gift to have this woman well again, living among the growing number of believers. She was a great contributor to God's kingdom by tirelessly making tunics and other garments for the widows. It's no wonder that she is described in this passage as full of good works and acts of charity.

I have noticed that this "full of" statement has appeared often in Acts so far.

For example:

--the apostles were full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4)

--the religious leaders were full of jealousy (Acts 5:17)

--the seven chosen men were full of the Spirit and of wisdom (Acts 6:3)

--Stephen was full of grace and power (Acts 6:8)

A good question for each of us to ponder would be this:

What am I "full of"?

Be honest with yourself and with the Lord. It's okay to admit that you might be full of:

fear and doubt,

pride and anger, or

stress and anxiety.

When we admit the condition of our hearts to the Lord, and want to change our ways, God can do amazing things in us! Just look at the apostles that we're reading about in Acts. Remember, these men are the very ones that scattered on the night Jesus was taken into custody. Now they are daring and dynamic, spreading the gospel in the face of intense opposition. Ask the Lord to help you right where you are. What do you want to be full of ? God, through the Holy Spirit will help you.

A second question I thought of for us today is this:

If you were to describe someone in an honoring way, what would he or she be "full of"? Is there someone that comes to mind? Maybe reach out to this person and thank them for just being who they are in Christ. I will go first by mentioning someone many of you Soul Sisters know personally: Anne Ayers.

Anne is full of kind acts and generous hospitality. I have been a recipient of both.

Feel free to share the description of "your person" in the comments below. We may not know the people mentioned at all, but it certainly will encourage us as a body of believers.

Dear Lord,

Thank you that the characteristics of your Holy Spirit can be beautifully displayed through each one of us. May we be full of YOU, not only for our own benefit, but also so that we can be a blessing to all those we encounter. Amen.


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