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Forty days of Proclamation: GO

Tuesday, October 27th

Forty days of Proclamation: GO

Kathy Volmar

“Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” Matt 11: 28-29.

Last fall as I was unsuccessfully searching for my word, I wanted to guide me, when I realized that I did not need to search for my word but pray that God would give me His word. The tiny word I was my problem. I was searching rather than letting God reveal His word for me. After that point of asking Him for that word, I had several nights where I would wake up with the word “GO” on my mind. One morning it was so strong that I chose to go with it and my word became “GO”. Then came confusing thoughts and questions ~ Go Where? Who wants to go do this, me or God?

Our church participates in a mission trip to Guatemala 2 times a year. Maybe this was where I was to go. We were asked to go in 2019, but we knew we couldn’t go then but began to prayed about going this year. Should we go, or help someone else with their expenses. Ron would to help with a pastor’s conference and I would help with VBS. After soul searching, we did not feel the Lord leading us to go. Wanting to go was my plan but God had a different plan. “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him”. Lamentations 3:25.

Fast forward to March and COVID. No one was going anywhere. What was I to do with my word “GO”? Being quarantined definitely put us in a situation. We could not go anywhere or socialize in any way, March 16th I started experiencing multiple health problems, and frequent doctor appointments. By the first week in April I had lost my voice. If someone called me, they would tell me to listen don’t talk. Not easy for me. Those were some long, difficult often frustrating days. By then we had finished 40 Days of Prayer, and were well into 40 Days of Praise. I was so grateful for the time I had each day with Soul Sisters with reading and responding to our daily post. It took a while before I was able to embrace my word “GO”. The time I spent in my morning devotion time along with my desire to grow through His word was the answer. God was calling me to GO to Him in 2020, to seek Him, to “Lift my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:1-2. I have spent these 7 months going to the Lord for strength and healing and He has been with me each and every day and I know that in 2021 He will be using me to “Go and be the Salt and the Light” Matt 5:13-16.

Dear Lord, You, called me to go to you and You delight when I call out and go to you in prayer and studying Bible study. There I find you comfort. In times of need, distress, confusion, and sickness you are there. I can go to you with praise in times of joy and you rejoice with me. I praise your name and thank you for your faithfulness, for your Holy Spirit to guide me and your love that led You to Go to the cross providing the way for me to come to you. Amen

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