Made For This -- "Pursue Them"
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.... Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12: 30-31
Please read pages 176 through 180 in Made For This. Read carefully and let your mind wander as you read. This is important stuff, ladies. We were made for relationship with people. The Gospel is all about people, because Jesus came for people.
Somehow, we get it all turned upside down, though, right? I mean, we know we should be about relationship. But, we (I) start to think my relationships are for me.
Today's lesson was a great reminder. As you wrap up the reading and move into the "consider" portion on pages 181 and 182, I pray that you'll join me in being very, very specific and intentional about relationships to pursue.
We need each other, ladies. I'm excited to think about the new relationships that may be formed from today's lesson. There could be women out there that we need to meet, because they've lived life and have lessons that we need to learn. There could be other women in the world that we need to meet, because they need the lessons that we have to teach.
Either way, we need to pursue! So, let's go find some friends. :)
Dear Jesus, thank you for modeling relationship for us. All throughout scripture, we get to see you pursuing people, loving people, teaching people, and investing in people. Teach us to do the same. The Gospel plays out in relationships, so we are committed to do our part. Give us the boldness to pursue well.