WE GO: Let the Little Children Come to Me
WE GO: Let the Children Come to Me
On behalf of my daughter and volunteer post writer Emmy Baxter...
Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:13-14
We are each His beautiful and unique vessel, called to pour out the light and love of Christ; therefore, WE GO…
Hello Soul Sisters! As some of you may know I am Chris Baxter’s youngest daughter, or as she likes to refer to me as, “the baby”. I just graduated from UT nursing school this past Friday (crazy!!!) and I have been a Capernaum Young Life leader at Fulton High School in Knoxville for the past three years. (My friend Macie Hatmaker Moseley did an amazing job of explaining Young Life in her post yesterday!). Capernaum is a branch of Young Life intended specifically for kids with special needs. I have felt a tug on my heart towards these kids ever since I was introduced to Capernaum as a junior in high school. When I was first starting at UT, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be a Young Life leader, but after visiting one Capernaum club I absolutely knew this was where the Lord was calling me to “go”.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is when Jesus welcomes the little children with open arms. He took the time to acknowledge, love, even commend a population that commonly was overlooked. That is what Capernaum means to me. So often those with special needs get overlooked and forgotten simply because people are unsure of how to interact with them. But each time I’m with my kids, Jesus causes me to see them through His eyes; they are His precious children who deserve and need to be loved on, poured into, and celebrated for who they are.
I have learned so much from my Capernaum kids. I have learned to not take life so seriously or care about what others think of me. I have learned how to find joy in the small things whether that be going for a Sonic milkshake-run, singing songs at the top of our lungs in the car with the windows down, or seeing the tears of joy on one of my girl’s faces after I gave her a Justin Bieber poster for her birthday. I have learned from them to take what Jesus did for us at face value, no doubts, just faith and acceptance. I have learned how to be patient and have hard conversations. Most of all, I have learned that you should be who you are, because that is how Jesus created you and he wouldn’t want you any other way.
There are times when I wonder if my friends understand completely the gospel we share with them on a weekly basis, but I have faith that they do... and that in fact, due to their often child-like beliefs they may even understand the purpose of this life and our faith more than we do. I am so thankful for my time spent at Fulton High School, and I will always cherish the friendships and memories made because I decided to say “yes” to the Lord’s calling of “go” in my life.
Further: Galatians 5:14, Isaiah 58:6-11, Proverbs 31:8-9, 1 Corinthians 16:14
Dear Jesus,
Thank you that we were fearfully and wonderfully made by you. I pray that we would love one another as you loved and welcomed the little children. I pray that we would listen to your call to “go” wherever it may be in our lives. Thank you for the joy and peace that comes through having friendship with you. We love you Jesus, Amen.