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2 Peter- Know the Truth

Monday, October 18

2 Peter—Know the Truth

Today’s reading: 2 Peter 2:1-3

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

Last week our focus was on knowing the truth and this week we are looking at the reasons we need to know and be deeply rooted in the truth. Peter says it so well in our focus passages today. Jesus told the disciples that false teachers would come and Peter was seeing that right before his eyes.

Think for a minute about the world of art. Even if you aren't an art fan , you are probably aware of stories in the news that come out from time to time about counterfeit paintings of priceless originals. These paintings are so perfected that trained professionals in the art world can’t tell the difference until they get deep into their investigation. The differences are so subtle that untrained eyes (like most of us) would never be able to determine which is the true original and which is the fake. It takes a very studied, trained eye to find the “cracks” that show where the “lies” are.

That story of “lies that appear to be truth “was not only happening in Peter’s day but is alive and thriving today as well! False teachers were (and are) bringing in their twisted doctrine and putting it alongside of God’s word with the eventual goal of replacing the truth altogether (W.W.p. 52-53). - the TRUTH is Christ, Son of God, who lived, died, and was resurrected! That is always true, yet can be so easily distorted. It can be difficult especially for young, immature believers to see the cracks and know where the lies are. They may have tiny roots that have been planted but not firm enough yet to resist being torn out of the ground and put somewhere else.

(v.2)- Many will follow” their shameful ways” because of their own fleshly lusts; they would rather have their desires than the truth, therefore they are easy prey for these false teachers (p. 52). In case this is not clear, “shameful ways “ is referring to lusts and sensuality. False teachers know they can use this avenue to “get to” humans. If we are confused ,hurting, empty, or lonely we can lean towards immediate gratification that fills the need quickly and makes us feel good. Feeling good can easily be confused with feeling right.

(v.-3)- False teachers are motivated by greed or MONEY. They exploit ignorant people and use their religion as a “cloak of covetousness”(1 Thess.2:5). Think about it- Jesus was a poor man, basically homeless , who gave Himself to ministering and loving others. False profits are rich and clever people who get others to minister to them!(W.W.p.53). Beware of where you put your money. Do your due diligence and evaluate carefully before jumping.

Peter’s words were very intent and passionate in their warnings. He knew that the word of God and false doctrines would not co-exist (p.50). Just like an old tree with deep roots in the ground , we need to be firmly planted in the word of God. These false teachers can be so subtle at first. They may appear to start out with the truth , but when they capture your attention (the“hook”) they twist the truth and the slippery slope is in full swing. You can slide down until you are fully believing and find yourself living a lie ! This is right here in all our communities and none of us are immune to the exposure. The only “vaccine “we have is KNOWING the TRUTH. False teachers are going to prey on those who are hungry to fill a void and willing to listen. Let’s prepare by filling ourselves with the knowledge of who Christ IS and who He is NOT.

Can you recall a time when you have been exposed to teaching that looked good but “half” truths were being taught?

Heavenly Father,

It’s time for us to put on your armor of truth. Give us keen eyes and ears to discern what is true and what is untrue . Again, I ask that you give each one of us the desire to learn Your word so we will be equipped when lies come - and they ARE coming. Let us not be short sided and do what feels good at the time, but recognize what real goodness is: Christ who lived, died for us, and was resurrected .Make our roots grow deeper and our voices louder so the truth can be seen and heard above the lies.

Audio of 2 Peter Chapter 2


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